Monday, August 25, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Aug. 25, 2014

Fedspeak is reverberating in my mind at this moment with Federal Reserve Chair Janet L. Yellen delivering a major speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Friday and the Federal Open Market Committee releasing the minutes of its July 29-30 meeting Wednesday.

An interesting article on aspects of this Fedspeak appeared in the International Business Times Sunday. However, it was authored not by me but by Reuters: “Fed Should Lay Groundwork For Interest Rate Hikes: Officials.” Meanwhile, I anticipate publishing at least one piece on the U.S. economy-market relationship this week.

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Aug. 18, 2014

Multivariate analyses indicate my proprietary U.S. Economic Index either may have hit its peak for 2014 last month or might hit its peak for the year this month. Therefore, I can’t wait for my next USEI-centered article, which will be published at J.J.’s Risky Business or Seeking Alpha circa Sept. 5. Meanwhile, our droogies at SA have published this year the following pieces on the USEI and the associated comparisons of the historical monthly levels of the index and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY):

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Aug. 11, 2014

Analyses of individual equities are on the big screen hereabouts this week, so I may be able to produce one or three articles about them at either J.J.’s Risky Business or Seeking Alpha within the next week. Meanwhile, our droogies at SA published the following three pieces since the appearance of the Risky Business Monitor linkfest last week:

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Aug. 4, 2014

The Institute for Supply Management released its July 2014 Manufacturing ISM Report On Business Friday and will release its July 2014 Nonmanufacturing ISM Report On Business Tuesday, which means I soon will be able to bring up-to-date my U.S. Economic Index and the comparison of the historical monthly levels of the USEI and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY). My article on these data series will appear either at J.J.’s Risky Business or at Seeking Alpha.

Meanwhile, our droogies at SA published the following three pieces since the appearance of the Risky Business Monitor linkfest last week:

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.