Monday, September 29, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Sept. 29, 2014

The Institute for Supply Management most likely will release its September 2014 Manufacturing ISM Report On Business Wednesday and its September 2014 Nonmanufacturing ISM Report On Business Friday, which means I soon will be able to bring up-to-date my proprietary U.S. Economic Index and the associated comparison of the historical monthly levels of the USEI and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY). My article on these data series will appear either at J.J.’s Risky Business or at Seeking Alpha.

Meanwhile, our droogies at SA published my “NYSE Margin Debt Edges Higher In August: Risk Rank At No. 23” since the appearance of the Risky Business Monitor linkfest last week.

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Sept. 22, 2014

The New York Stock Exchange may report its data on securities market credit for August as soon as Friday, which means I might be able to bring up-to-date by this time next week my Margin Debt Directional Indicator, or MDDI; Securities Market Credit Risk Rank, or SMC Risk Rank; and comparison of the historical monthly levels of NYSE margin debt and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY). Meanwhile, our droogies at Seeking Alpha have published the following pieces on the subject this year:

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Sept. 15, 2014

Multivariate analyses indicate my proprietary U.S. Economic Index may have hit its peak for the year last month, especially given the anticipated end of asset purchases under the absolutely large U.S. Federal Reserve quantitative-easing program and the expected beginning of such purchases under the relatively small European Central Bank QE program.

As we await confirmation or nonconfirmation of this suggested peak circa Oct. 3, I note our droogies at Seeking Alpha have published this year the following pieces on the USEI and the associated comparisons of the historical monthly levels of the index and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY):

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Sept. 8, 2014

Meteorites hit this planet all the time, but the ones making impacts are few and far between, which means the heavenly body that apparently struck the Nicaraguan capital of Managua Saturday seemed to be kind of a rare thing.

As I finalize the latest article about my proprietary U.S. Economic Index, I am seeing the European Central Bank’s move into quantitative easing Thursday in the same light. The USEI-centered analysis should be published at either J.J.’s Risky Business or Seeking Alpha within a day or two.

Meanwhile, I had a couple of news stories of interest published at the International Business Times since the Risky Business Monitor linkfest last week, as follows:

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Risky Business Monitor: Sept. 1, 2014

It is weeks like this that makes having two eyes a very good thing: I will have one focused on the European Central Bank’s action or inaction Thursday and the other trained on the Institute for Supply Management data releases Tuesday and Thursday. Oh, my aching compound myopic astigmatism.

Meanwhile, I had three articles of interest published since the appearance of the Risky Business Monitor linkfest last week. One was an analytical piece on New York Stock Exchange securities market credit at Seeking Alpha, and two were news stories at the International Business Times, as follows:

Related Reading

Shameless Self-Promotion! If you like my work, then you can follow me as J.J. McGrath at Google+ and Seeking Alpha, as JJMcGrath at StockTwits and @JJMcGrath3000 at Twitter. If you do not like my work, then you can follow me at all those places, anyway.